Josh goes to China.

We are excited to announce that Josh has been selected as one of the finalists for the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards, again. He will be going to attend the awards event that will held in Yantai, China in June this year (2015).

Below are the details about this greatest achievement:


Josh – You are on the shortlist – Gourmand Awards

You are a finalist on the shortlist for the Gourmand  World Cookbook Awards, in  category E03- Pastry and Dessert. The  Best in the World will be announced on June 9 in Yantai, China.

It is quite an achievement to be on  the shortlist. It is extremely difficult.The quantity and  quality of entries from the 205 participating  countries have  reached a new  high this year. All the books listed below are truly excellent, in very different ways

E03 – Pastry and Desserts

France – Atelier Gourmand, Eric Kayser, Blandine Boyer ( Larousse )

India – The big book of treats, Pooja Dhingra ( Penguin )

Israel – Sugar Enchantments, Roni Tain Karsenti (Tsinka )

Japan – One day, one sweet, Soshin Kimura ( Shinchosha )

New Zealand – A piece of cake, Sophia Purvis ( Random House )

South Africa – Bake with Josh, Josh Thirion ( Random House Struik )

Spain – Pasteleria de Alta Costura, Patricia Arribalzaga ( Planeta )

Turkey – Cafe Fernando, Cemk Sonmezcoy ( Okuyanus )

I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you in Yantai,China. It is a lifetime experience and opportunity, after much hard work to produce a really outstanding  book. You would not want to miss it. There will be a very international party at the  WineBay on the Golden Beach, with honors, great food and drinks, networking, and business opportunities.



Best wishes from Yantai


Edouard Cointreau

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards President